Saturday, March 3, 2012


Ahhh two weeks in. And I feel great!! A beautiful side effect is I can now fit into some jeans I haven't been able to wear for a couple of months. I really can't complain about that!

My sugar cravings are mostly under control. In fact today I stared at the bulk bin chocolates at the grocery store and all I thought was "oh ya, I like those, those are good." But not "I must have them!!" which is what I did when I saw candy last week. I've also walked through the baked goods section of two grocery stores today to only look with a passing interest. More like a "they sure know how to place products!!" type of interest.

Instead I'm looking with serious interest at new vegetables and how I can prepare them. Should I buy kale and collard greens or will they go bad before I can eat them? Hey I can put turnips and sweet potatoes in my stew instead of potatoes! Leeks! Red cabbage! Broccoli! Pretty soon I'm going to turn into a carrot with arms and legs. Do not call me Carrot Top if you want to live. I mean it. I eat a lot of meat now and that means protein which translates into muscle building if you catch my drift....

Speaking of meat, we bought 20 lbs of boneless skinless chicken breasts today. I know I'll be making garlic clove chicken this week but I guess I'd better get busy figuring out some other creative ways to use it. Otherwise I'll be stuck with "Baked chicken? Again?"

The only issues I've had is when I didn't plan right or when my plan didn't work. Such as my forgetting breakfast. Or when I'd wanted to go to lunch with co-workers but ended up having a meeting (and then didn't have lunch at all).

But I have a plan to combat my poor planning! Don't let that hurt your sense of reality too much. Tomorrow I am making omelet muffins!! They are exactly what it sounds like. I'll wrap them up nicely and have them on hand for the week. And I'll make sure I take a lunch every day to work even if I plan on going out. I can always eat it the next day.

So there you have it. I was relatively quiet this week because it was crazy busy. But everything kept moving on.

Before I close I want to share my favorite quick breakfast from the week. (I truly had no time). Almond butter and honey on 7 sprouted grain bread, a pear and a glass of milk. Simplicity. Delicious too.

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