Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The beginning

After well over a year of dealing with feeling sick to my stomach nearly every day, especially after eating bready and/or sugary foods, I have decided to go "back to the basics" and cut out, or at least greatly reduce, all cereal grains from my diet.  This means no whole grains, no corn, no wheat, no cereal, no granola, no pasta and very little rice. 

I'm also, while I am already torturing myself by letting go of some of my favorite things (bread & oats...) no longer eating processed foods, hfcs, artificial sweeteners, table salt or partially hydrogenated oils.  Anything "fake" in other words. 

And because I can never do things half-assed, why not just make this a perfect tri-fecta of pain and cut out the biggest one of all!  SUGAR!  Oh yes.  My beloved sugar.  Or more specific, simple sugars.  I will eat a little honey and some organic sugar or cane sugar, but very little.  But man ... the sugar is the hardest thing of all to give up.  I'm also dropping potatoes and anything starchy too.  But...chocolate, ice cream....sugar! 

So why would I do this you may ask?  On Saturday (Decision Day - we'll call it DD from now on) I would have told you I want to be healthier.  I want to be leaner.  I want my stomach to stop trying so hard and making me sick. 

Four days later my answer is, oh my God.  There are Reeses' Peanut Butter Cups IN THIS HOUSE!!!!! 

And it's only going to get worse.  But then it will get better.  And then....

But wait, what can I eat?  So far this has been a lot of restriction, but not a lot of can!

  • Meat 
  • Veggies (LOTS)
  • Sweet Potatoes!!!  I love them so have to list them separately.
  • Fruit
  • Eggs
  • Cheese
  • Sprouted Wheat Bread (oh ya!) and other sprouted wheat products
  • Coffee (yes, I listed it first!!), water & tea
  • Nuts
  • Yogurt
  • Milk (I decided to keep it...I'm not going Paleo...)
  • Rice (go easy)

So for this blog, I will be talking about how I'm feeling on this journey, the challenges I go through as well as share recipes I try.  So far everything we've made (my husband has been making things for me when I don't have time) has been amazing.

How is this going to go?  It will be great!  I have the willpower.  But I'll let you know how I'm feeling after DD+14.

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